AFSCME Local 1632 & Ohio Council 8 has entered the Fact-Finding Process with the City of Columbus for Contract Negotiations. Any questions or concerns call the Union Hall @ 614-291-1632 or my cell 614-323-7990.

We have a limited amount of free tix to AFSCME Day Columbus Clippers game on 6/15/2024 @ 7:00pm along with a free hat. FCFS basis, call the hall to reserve your tix.

My email is [email protected], my cell is 614-323-7990 any questions, concerns or inquiries feel free to contact me anytime.

A Fact-Finding Panel has been requested in Contract Negotiations Between Ohio Council 8, AFSCME 1632 and the City of Columbus.


Another step in the climb for fairness for our membership. SLVP Answer


ARAG update