Communications from the President –
You should have received the City ‘s revised and updated COVID-19 Leave Policy, effective May 1, 2021.
There are several changes worth noting, some of which are below and others are highlighted in red in the policy itself.
- The City is voluntarily adopting the Emergency Paid Sick Leave of the FFCRA, as expanded by the American Rescue Plan Act.
* Notably, COVID-19 immunizations and recovery from immunizations are now covered:
– Additionally, this benefit is available retroactively to April 1, 2021;
– Employees may be required to demonstrate they received a vaccine in order to be eligible for the benefit.
- All employees receive a new 80 hours of leave beginning May 1, 2021, despite prior usage:
* Consistent with the prior version of FFCRA, the new 80 hours is a total for all conditions combined, and not for each condition;
* The only caveat is for employees that ask for retroactive vaccine leave. That will apply towards the 80 hours of new leave.
- The City is not extending Expanded FMLA for Childcare (reason #5):
* Employees receiving childcare leave now will be able to use EFMLEA through April 30, 2021;
* Beginning May 1, 2021, employees requesting childcare leave may use the new bank of 80 hours under the Emergency Paid Sick Leave.
- The City is maintaining Supplemental Paid Sick leave for at work exposures.
- The Policy will expire September 30, 2021
AFSCME Collective Bargaining Contract 2021-2024
ContractAFSCME 1632 CBA 2021-2024 (1) – Copy
Misguided Ballot Issue – Vote NO on ISSUE 7
HomeVote NO on Issue 7 – Issue 7 would hurt our City and our Workers
Vote NO – Misquided
Vote NO on ISSUE 7
HomeAFSCME Local #1632 needs your support !! VOTE NO on ISSUE 7!!
October Membership Meeting
ALL, Home, NewsFor all the updated information, please join us via zoom. Contact the President at the Union Hall at 614-291-1632 for zoom log information to members only.
10-05-2021 Memebership notice
Sept. Membership Meeting
HomeCome join us for the next Membership meeting!
9-7-2021 Membership meeting notification
Central Ohio Labor Council Columbus Clippers Family Night Out
HomeCOVID info update
HomeCommunications from the President –
You should have received the City ‘s revised and updated COVID-19 Leave Policy, effective May 1, 2021.
There are several changes worth noting, some of which are below and others are highlighted in red in the policy itself.
* Notably, COVID-19 immunizations and recovery from immunizations are now covered:
– Additionally, this benefit is available retroactively to April 1, 2021;
– Employees may be required to demonstrate they received a vaccine in order to be eligible for the benefit.
* Consistent with the prior version of FFCRA, the new 80 hours is a total for all conditions combined, and not for each condition;
* The only caveat is for employees that ask for retroactive vaccine leave. That will apply towards the 80 hours of new leave.
* Employees receiving childcare leave now will be able to use EFMLEA through April 30, 2021;
* Beginning May 1, 2021, employees requesting childcare leave may use the new bank of 80 hours under the Emergency Paid Sick Leave.
2021 AFSCME Ohio Council 8 Scholarships
Home2021 AFSCME Ohio Council 8 Scholarships
2020-2021 and 2021-2024 Contract Ratification Vote Results
HomePlease see attached Contract Ratification Results
4-14-2021 Contract Ratification Notice 2021
Membership Meeting 4/06/2021
HomeMembership Meeting 4/06/2021